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/ The Ultimate Human Body 2.0 / Ultimate Human Body 2.0, The (1996)(Dorling Kindersley).iso / emg5 / xssc000e.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1996-08-08  |  37KB  |  465x385  |  8-bit (119 colors)
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OCR: CROSS SECTION OF THE SPINAL CORD OUR SPINAL CORD and brain The outer white matter is made of together control most of your nerve fibers. These send signals body' activities. The gray matter and from the brain and out along of the spinal cord contains nerve 31 pairs of spinal nerves, which cells, X hich control reflex actions travel to all parts of your body Back of spinal cord White matter (stained black) Gray matter (stained yellow) Front of spinal p10o SPINAI VOUR p10d